Victoria Rayne

Your one-stop shop for anything and everything related to my writing.

Hello, my name is Victoria.

I typically write LGBTQ+ romance with a forbidden or unusual flair. I’m willing to venture into the taboo to tackle topics and issues that are generally not marketable for the big retailers.

You will likely find my stories on sites such as Smashwords and Literotica, content permitting, as well as right here on my site (as soon as I get it all up and running)!

  • Amazon and the Erotic Content Conundrum

    Disclaimer: Any information presented that isn’t from the official Amazon site is speculative and anecdotal in nature. I don’t intend to speak on behalf of Amazon or claim to understand the exact workings of their site. This is simply the picture I’ve woven based on a thorough perusal of forums and individuals discussing the topic.…

  • Devils and Demons and Sex, Oh My!

    Hi everyone. My name is Victoriya Rayne. I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, but the stories that have really spoken to me are those with dark, forbidden themes. And romance. LOTS of romance. Thus, I bring you The House of Honey and Venom: a supernatural romance novel about a literature major…

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